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在 Unity 中保存和加载整个场景

更新时间:2023-12-01 22:40:52

没有内置方法可以让您在运行时保存场景",然后再重新加载它.在 Unity 构建中,场景以不可编辑的格式存储,这意味着无论何时加载场景,它都会以与构建时相同的格式加载.这是一件好事,因为您不想在已部署的游戏中编辑构建的内容.

There's no built-in method by which you can "save a scene" during runtime and then reload it later. In a Unity build, scenes are stored in a non-editable format, meaning that whenever you load a scene it will load up with the same format as it was built. This is a good thing, because you don't want to edit the contents of your build in a deployed game.


Now, that doesn't mean that a scene can't contain logic to configure itself differently. In fact, it sounds like that's what you're doing. The goal instead is to store the contents into a save file.


Consider switching your mentality from "I want to load a scene that generates random gameplay" to "I want to load a scene that configures itself based on a file." This is a layer of abstraction that gives greater control over what happens when you load your scene.

我建议创建一个 JSON 配置文件来存储您的重要信息,可能是这样的:

I would suggest creating a JSON configuration file that stores your important information, something like this might do:

  "house_locations": [
      "position": "(0, 0, 0)",
      "objects": []
      "position": "(10, 10, 10)",
      "objects": []
  "characters": [
      "position": "(0, 0, 0)",
      "inventory": [
          "item_name": "knife"
          "item_name": "shovel"


This is just a simple example, as you'll have to add the important data you want to represent your game.


Next, all you have to do when you want to start your game is to do one of the following things:

  1. 您要开始新游戏了吗?=> 生成一个随机配置文件,然后使用它来填充您的场景.
  2. 您是否正在加载已保存的游戏?=> 使用保存的配置文件来填充您的场景.

您需要某种WorldBuilder 脚本来处理此问题.在你的场景中,你可以有如下内容:

You'll need some kind of WorldBuilder script to handle this. In your scene, you can have something like the following:

public class WorldBuilder : MonoBehaviour
  // This is the actual contents of the world, represented as a JSON string.
  private string _json = "";

  public void BuildWorld(string configFilePath)
    _json = LoadConfiguration(configFilePath);

  public void GenerateWorld()
    _json = GenerateConfiguration();

  public void SaveWorld(string targetFilePath)
    // Save the contents of _json out to a file so that it can be loaded
    // up again later.

  private string LoadConfiguration(string configFilePath)
    // Load the actual file and return the file contents, which is a JSON string.

  private void BuildWorld(string json)
    // Actually build the world using the supplied JSON.

  private string GenerateConfiguration()
    // Return a randomly generated configuration file.


This approach separates the problem of saving the contents of the scene and generating the contents of the scene, making the code easier to write and maintain.