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更新时间:2023-12-02 08:28:46


=http://damolab.blogspot.co.uk/2011/03/od6-and-finding-other-worksheet-ids.html =noreferrer> http://damolab.blogspot.co.uk/ 2011/03 / od6-and-finding-other-worksheet-ids.html

特定工作表的ID似乎是/ od6 / part的网址,od6是给予第一个,默认,工作表的默认名称

https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/0Ak0qDiMLT3XddHlNempadUs1djdkQ0tFLWF6ci1rUUE/od6/public/values?alt = json-in-script& callback =


I am attempting to use a google spreadsheet as a temporary database. I have followed the instructions at the folowing tutorial and everything is working fine


The jquery that gets the data I have copied below for ref

I wondered if it would be possible (using the same or similar code), assuming there are multiple sheets within the spreadsheet to query just one at a time. So for example you could run the below code but only for say sheet 4.

I have tried adding sheet ref # from the web URL (i.e #gid=1) at the end of the numeric code so




but this does not work, the code only seems to loop through the first sheet

Can anyone advise on this?

Any help is much appreciated

<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(document).ready(function() {  

//source file is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?    key=0Ak0qDiMLT3XddHlNempadUs1djdkQ0tFLWF6ci1rUUE   
$(function listBooks() {    

$.getJSON( "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/0Ak0qDiMLT3XddHlNempadUs1djdkQ0tFLWF6ci1rUUE/od6/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback=?",

function (data) {   

    $('div#book-list').append('<ul class="items"></ul>');

    $.each(data.feed.entry, function(i,entry) { 

        var item = '<span style="display:none">' + entry.id.$t + '</span>'; 

        item += '<img src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/isbn/' + entry.gsx$isbn.$t + '-S.jpg"/>';

        item += '<span class="meta"><a href="http://www.worldcat.org/isbn/' + entry.gsx$isbn.$t + '">' + entry.title.$t + '</a>';   

        item += '<br/>Author: ' + entry.gsx$author.$t;  

        if (entry.gsx$notes.$t) {   

            item += '<br/>Description: ' + entry.gsx$notes.$t;  


        $('.items').append('<li>' + item + '</span></li>'); 






Ok, I have a solution for anyone who is interested, although it is not as sensible as I would have hoped

Thanks to the below blogpost


It seems that the id for specific sheets is the /od6/ part of the URL and od6 is the default name given to the first, default, sheet


In the above blog post there is an example of how to find out the IDs of specific sheets if you need. There doesn't seem to be a clean logic to it but changing it will spit out the data from specific sheets so it works.