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如何防止JasperReports TextField中的重复数据

更新时间:2023-12-02 10:21:28


The jasper report documentation says:

If this is set to true, the element will be reprinted on the next page if the band does not fit in the current page.

所以我认为这可能是一个问题。删除 isPrintWhenDetailOverflows =true。两件事 isStretchWithOverflow =true 在这种情况下,stretchType =RelativeToTallestObject 正在为我工​​作。所以你的 textField 将如下:

So I think it might be a problem. Remove isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true". The two things isStretchWithOverflow="true" and stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" are working for me in this case. So your textField will be like:

<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true">
   <reportElement style="cell" stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" x="266" y="0" width="266" height="15"/>
   <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle">
     <font fontName="Arial" size="9" isBold="false" pdfEncoding="Cp1251" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>
     <paragraph leftIndent="2"/>