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Java 服务器自签名证书 + 客户端证书和 SSL handshake_failure

更新时间:2022-06-14 22:59:38

no IV for cipher 表示正在使用的密码不需要 IV(RC4 就是这样一种密码,而且很可能是在这里选择).

no IV for cipher indicates that the cipher in use does not require an IV (RC4 is one such cipher, and likely the one chosen here).

编辑根据 GregS 的评论,这个 handshake_failure 可能是由于服务器请求客户端身份验证,而客户端未能提供证书.

Edit Per GregS's comment, this a handshake_failure could be caused by the server requesting client authentication, and the client failing to provide a certificate.