
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-02 20:50:52

CloudFront不支持IAM auth进行分发的呼叫。正如其他人所强调的那样,SigV4依赖于主机标头和在访问您的域时,无法计算签名(无需做一些麻烦的工作,例如在客户端对API网关域进行硬编码,然后使用该标头对SigV4进行硬编码)。但是,您可以使用Lambda @ Edge函数。

CloudFront does not support IAM auth for calls hitting the distribution. As others have highlighted, SigV4 relies on the host header and there is no way to calculate a signature while hitting your domain (without doing something hacky like hardcoding the API Gateway domain on the client side and then SigV4 with that header). You can, however, add IAM from your distribution to your API using a Lambda@Edge function.

假设您已经将API Gateway设置为CloudFront发行版的来源,则需要设置 Lambda @ Edge函数拦截源请求,然后使用 SigV4 ,以便您可以限制API网关仅通过CloudFront进行访问。

Assuming that you have already setup API Gateway as an origin for your CloudFront distribution, you need to setup a Lambda@Edge function that intercepts origin requests and then signs it using SigV4 so that you can restrict your API Gateway to access only via CloudFront.

有正常HTTP请求与 CloudFront之间的转换事件格式,但都可以管理。

There is a fair amount of conversion between normal HTTP requests and the CloudFront event format but it is all manageable.

首先,创建Lambda @ Edge函数(指南),然后确保其执行角色有权访问您要访问的API网关。为简单起见,您可以在Lambda的执行角色中使用 AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess 托管的IAM策略,使它可以调用您帐户中的任何API网关。

First, create a Lambda@Edge function (guide) and then ensure its execution role has access to the API Gateway that you would like to access. For simplicity, you can use the AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess managed IAM policy in your Lambda's execution role which gives it access to invoke any API Gateway within your account.

然后,如果您将 aws4 用作签名客户端,这就是您的lambda代码:

Then, if you go with using aws4 as your signing client, this is what your lambda code would look like:

const aws4 = require("aws4");

const signCloudFrontOriginRequest = (request) => {
  const searchString = request.querystring === "" ? "" : `?${request.querystring}`;

  // Utilize a dummy request because the structure of the CloudFront origin request
  // is different than the signing client expects
  const dummyRequest = {
    host: request.origin.custom.domainName,
    method: request.method,
    path: `${request.origin.custom.path}${request.uri}${searchString}`,

  if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(request, 'body')) {
    const { data, encoding } = request.body;
    const buffer = Buffer.from(data, encoding);
    const decodedBody = buffer.toString('utf8');

    if (decodedBody !== '') {
      dummyRequest.body = decodedBody;
      dummyRequest.headers = { 'content-type': request.headers['content-type'][0].value };

  // Use the Lambda's execution role credentials
  const credentials = {
    accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
    secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
    sessionToken: process.env.AWS_SESSION_TOKEN

  aws4.sign(dummyRequest, credentials); // Signs the dummyRequest object

  // Sign a clone of the CloudFront origin request with appropriate headers from the signed dummyRequest
  const signedRequest = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(request));
  signedRequest.headers.authorization = [ { key: "Authorization", value: dummyRequest.headers.Authorization } ];
  signedRequest.headers["x-amz-date"] = [ { key: "X-Amz-Date", value: dummyRequest.headers["X-Amz-Date"] } ];
  signedRequest.headers["x-amz-security-token"] = [ { key: "X-Amz-Security-Token", value: dummyRequest.headers["X-Amz-Security-Token"] } ];

  return signedRequest;

const handler = (event, context, callback) => {
  const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
  const signedRequest = signCloudFrontOriginRequest(request);

  callback(null, signedRequest);

module.exports.handler = handler;