
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-03 10:16:46


I'm pretty certain it's that you must apply to the Marketing Partner Program. I'm having the same issue as well, and I just applied to the program. Currently awaiting approval, but will confirm/edit answer once I get confirmation.


LinkedIn has made a lot of changed to their API over the past few months. Check out the latest permission changes relevant to this post:

https://docs.microsoft .com/en-us/linkedin/shared/references/migrations/marketing-permissions-migration

已确认.我没有收到批准的通知,但是,在申请后的30天之后,我刚刚发现,一旦登录并在开发人员门户中的App上,产品"下就会有新产品可用.您必须添加"Marketing Developer Platform"产品,然后再次填写一个应用程序:

Confirmed. I didn't receive a notification that I was approved, however, it's 30 days later after applying and I just noticed there was a new product available under "Products" once you are logged in and on your App in the developer portal. You have to add the "Marketing Developer Platform" product, and once again fill out an application:


After completing, they say they will provide you with confirmation within 90 days.