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如何在 Eclipse 中为 Java EE 安装 JBoss AS/WildFly 服务器

更新时间:2023-12-03 13:32:46


这将为您提供 JBoss 提供的 AS 和 EAP 服务器插件,以及几个易于使用的 JSF 开发插件,例如 EL 自动完成.


When I went to the "new server wizard" I can't find the category for JBoss AS.

When I clicked "Download new server adapter" I don't get any JBoss AS adapter in the list.

Install the most recent JBoss Tools.

This will get you the JBoss-provided AS and EAP server plugins, along with several easing JSF development plugins, such as EL autocompletion.

See also: