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在MySQL上使用空间POINT类型时的Lon/Lat Order

更新时间:2023-12-03 17:23:40

正如在此处看到的 https://***.com/a/5757054/1393681 顺序是(lon lat).

as one can see here https://***.com/a/5757054/1393681 the order is (lon lat).

lon 基本上是y轴, lat 基本上是x,但是 lon沿x轴行进 lat沿y轴,所以我认为这就是您使用(lon lat)

lon is basicly the y axis and lat the x if i look at my globe, but the lon's are traveling along the x axis and the lat's along the y axis so i think thats the reason why you use (lon lat)


Despite that, if you stay consistent in your application it shoudn't matter if the world is flipped inside your db ;-)