
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-03 18:42:10



私有静态Func键<&的IPrincipal GT; _current =()=> Thread.CurrentPrincipal中;

{返回_current(); }

公共静态无效SwitchCurrentPrincipal(Func键<&的IPrincipal GT;主)
_current =本金;


然后,你必须使用ApplicationPrincipal。当前在你的仓库,而不是直接调用。在测试中,你将能够通过调用ApplicationPrincipal.SwitchCurrentPrincipal切换默认的逻辑(()=> myPrincipal)。



 公共BOOL IsUserAuthenticated 
{返回((UserPrincipal)校长).Identity.IsAuthenticated; }


 公共BOOL IsUserAuthenticated 
{返回ApplicationPrincipal.Current.Identity.IsAuthenticated; }


  VAR principalMock =新UserPrincipal(isAuthenticated:真); 

ApplicationPrincipal.SwitchCurrentPrincipal(()=> principalMock);


I am trying to perform a unit test of an n-tier application, service layer, repository layer and web api controllers. My repositories are checking the Thread.CurrentPrincipal object to get the current user. This is where I have a problem, when I create the implementation class that inherits from IPrincipal it does allow me to set the IsUserAuthenticated. Is there a way to simulate this for my unit tests. I would like to set the Thread.CurrentPrincipal to my implementation object. How would I simulate a user in this way?

In my RepositoryBase code, I call the following to determine if user is authenticated:

public bool IsUserAuthenticated
   get { return ((UserPrincipal)Principal).Identity.IsAuthenticated; }

The actual test looks something like:
Contract.Requires<UserAccessException>(IsUserAuthenticated, "Illegal Access.");

I am pulling IsUserAuthenticated from the UserPrincipal below:

namespace HeyLetsTrain.Toolkit.Helper.Authentication
public class UserPrincipal : IPrincipal
    IIdentity _identity;
    string[] _role;
    string _emailAddress;

    public UserPrincipal(string name, string[] role)
        if (role != null) 
            _role = new string[role.Length];
            _role.CopyTo(role, 0);
        _identity = new GenericIdentity(name);

    public IIdentity Identity
        get { return _identity; }

    public string EmailAddress
        get { return _emailAddress; }
        set { this._emailAddress = value; }

    public bool IsInRole(string role)
        return Array.BinarySearch(_role, role) >= 0 ? true : false;

    public bool IsInAllRoles( params string [] roles )
      foreach (string searchrole in roles )
        if (Array.BinarySearch(_role, searchrole) < 0 )
          return false;
      return true;

    public bool IsInAnyRoles( params string [] roles )
      foreach (string searchrole in roles )
        if (Array.BinarySearch(_role, searchrole ) > 0 )
          return true;
      return false;

I would wrap Thread.CurrentPrincipal call with a class and then extract the interface. This approach would allow me to pass my dummy implementation as a dependency.

Another approach is to prepare static class like this:

public static class ApplicationPrincipal
  private static Func<IPrincipal> _current = () => Thread.CurrentPrincipal;

  public static IPrincipal Current
      get { return _current(); }

  public static void SwitchCurrentPrincipal(Func<IPrincipal> principal)
      _current = principal;


Then you have to use ApplicationPrincipal.Current in your repositories instead of direct call. In your tests you will be able to switch default logic by calling ApplicationPrincipal.SwitchCurrentPrincipal(() => myPrincipal).


I would change:

public bool IsUserAuthenticated
   get { return ((UserPrincipal)Principal).Identity.IsAuthenticated; }


public bool IsUserAuthenticated
   get { return ApplicationPrincipal.Current.Identity.IsAuthenticated; }

And then in arrange section of the test I would change default IPrincipal with:

var principalMock = new UserPrincipal(isAuthenticated: true);

ApplicationPrincipal.SwitchCurrentPrincipal(() => principalMock);

I assume you can somehow overload the value of IsAuthenticated in UserPrincipal object.