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在 Slick 中使用 DB 函数 (TRIM(LEADING '0' from column))

更新时间:2023-12-03 19:47:22

TRIM(LEADING) 的稍微奇怪的语法意味着您必须放弃使用 SimpleExpression 并使用可让您访问的 QueryBuilder.

The slightly odd syntax of TRIM(LEADING means you have to drop to using a SimpleExpression and use the QueryBuilder that gives you access to.

val trimLeading = SimpleExpression.binary[String, String, String] {
  (trimChar, str, queryBuilder) =>
    import slick.util.MacroSupport._
    import queryBuilder._
    b"TRIM(LEADING $trimChar FROM $str)"


import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import slick.backend.DatabaseConfig
import slick.driver.JdbcProfile
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.Await

object TrimLeading extends App {
  def trimLeadingExample(dbConfig: DatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile]): Unit = {
    import dbConfig.driver.api._
    val trimLeading = SimpleExpression.binary[String, String, String] {
      (trimChar, str, queryBuilder) =>
        import slick.util.MacroSupport._
        import queryBuilder._
        b"TRIM(LEADING $trimChar FROM $str)"

    class ZeroTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[String](tag, "ZeroTable") {
      def zeros = column[String]("zeros")
      def * = zeros
    val zeroTable = TableQuery[ZeroTable]
    exec(zeroTable ++= Seq("000000x", "00x", "000000000x", "00000x", "00xx"))

          filter(s => trimLeading("0", s.zeros) === "x").
          map(s => trimLeading("0", s.zeros)).result).foreach(println)
    def exec[T](action: DBIO[T]): T = Await.result(dbConfig.db.run(action), Duration.Inf)
  val configStr =
      |  driver = "freeslick.OracleProfile$"
      |  db {
      |    driver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
      |    url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:49161/xe"
      |    properties = {
      |      databaseName = "freeslicktest"
      |      user = "system"
      |      password = "oracle"
      |    }
      |  }
  trimLeadingExample(DatabaseConfig.forConfig[JdbcProfile]("", ConfigFactory.parseString(configStr)))


*** (s.jdbc.JdbcBackend.statement) 准备语句: select TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM "zeros") from "ZeroTable" where TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM "zeros") ='x'