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按下按钮时在 Python tkinter Entry 中获取输入

更新时间:2023-12-03 20:39:52

这是一个关于猜数字游戏的 tkinter 版本.

Here is a tkinter version on the number guessing game.

whileafter 不使用!


Program checks for illegal input (empty str or words) and reports error message. It also keeps track of the number of tries required to guess the number and reports success with a big red banner.

我为小部件赋予了更有意义的名称,并使用了 pack 管理器而不是 grid.

I've given more meaningful names to widgets and used pack manager instead of grid.


You can use the button to enter your guess or simply press Return key.

import time
import random
import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
root.title( "The Number Guessing Game" )

count = guess = 0

label = tk.Label(root, text = "The Number Guessing Game", font = "Helvetica 20 italic")
label.pack(fill = tk.BOTH, expand = True)

def pick_number():
    global randomnum
    label.config( text = "I am tkinking of a Number", fg = "black" )
    randomnum = random.choice( range( 10000 ) )/100

def main_game(guess):
    global count
    count = count + 1
    entry.delete("0", "end")
    if guess < randomnum:
        label[ "text" ] = "Higher!"
    elif guess > randomnum:
        label[ "text" ] = "Lower!"
        label.config( text = f"CORRECT! You got it in {count} tries", fg = "red" )
        time.sleep( 4 )
        count = 0

def get( ev = None ):
    guess = entry.get()
    if len( guess ) > 0 and guess.lower() == guess.upper():
        guess = float( guess )
        main_game( guess )
        label[ "text" ] = "MUST be A NUMBER"
        entry.delete("0", "end")

entry = tk.Entry(root, font = "Helvetica 15 normal")
entry.pack(fill = tk.BOTH, expand = True)
entry.bind("<Return>", get)
b1 = tk.Button(root, text = "Guess", command = get)
b1.pack(fill = tk.BOTH, expand = True)


root.geometry( "470x110" )
root.minsize( 470, 110 )
