
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-03 21:22:16


If jquery solution is acceptable, you can do it in client side. The below code might need refinement, but should give you an idea.

$("#btnAddConfig").click(function () {
    var template = $("#tblConfig > tbody tr").first().clone();
    var newIndex = $("#hNextConfigIndex").val();
    template.find("input").each(function () {
        var name = $(this).attr("name");
        var id = $(this).attr("id");

        name = name.replace(/\[\d+\]/g, "[" + newIndex + "]");
        id = id.replace(/\_\d+\__/g, "_" + newIndex + "__");

        $(this).attr("name", name);
        $(this).attr("id", id);
        $(this).val(""); //reset to defaults as applicable
    $("#tblConfig > tbody").append(template);


如果你想这样做在服务器端,不重建整个表,但创建一个动作,说 GetEditor 返回一个 TR 与编辑适当的默认值,然后通过 AJAX 提出要求>并追加它使用的jQuery 成功处理程序表。

If you want to do it in server side, don't rebuild the entire table, but create an Action, say GetEditor for returning a tr with appropriate default values for the editor and then request it via ajax and append it to the table using jquery in the success handler.


Rebuilding the entire table just for adding a new record every time just adds to the load time as the records grow leaving the user to wonder why it take more and more time each time he adds a new record.