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Apple Developer app portal可以更长时间生成新的Bundle Seed ID

更新时间:2023-12-03 23:44:52


Generating new Seed IDs isn't possible anymore.

请参阅: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/General/Conceptual/ApplicationDevelopmentOverview/ConfigureYourProject/ConfigureYourProject.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011186-CH6-SW8


(...) An app ID is a string containing two parts, a bundle seed ID and a bundle ID search string, with a period (.) separating the two parts. Each part of an app ID has different and important uses for your app.

捆绑种子ID是Apple生成的唯一10个字符的字符串。捆绑种子ID是将应用ID与特定团队相关联的内容。共享相同捆绑种子ID的应用程序也可以共享密钥链数据,例如用户名和密码。为每个开发团队分配一个特定的种子ID,称为团队ID。您应该几乎总是在您创建的任何新应用中使用团队ID;如果您正在进行Mac OS X开发,则使用团队ID是捆绑种子ID的唯一选项,它由工具自动提供。


The bundle seed ID is a unique 10-character string generated by Apple. The bundle seed ID is what associates an app ID with a specific team. Apps that share the same bundle seed ID can also share keychain data, such as user names and passwords. Each development team is assigned a specific seed ID, known as the team ID. You should almost always use the team ID in any new apps you create; if you are doing Mac OS X development, using the team ID is your only option for the bundle seed ID, and it is provided automatically by the tools. # Note: If you have been already been developing apps for iOS, you may have previously created bundle seed IDs for apps you have already distributed. The ability to create new seed IDs has been removed from the tools, but you may use a previously created bundle seed ID instead of using your team ID. Do this only if you need the new app to share an existing app’s keychain data. Otherwise, use the team ID. (...)