
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 08:02:04

首先,你应该阅读 Mozilla的WebAppSec防伪编码指南 - 会话管理 OWASP A3残破的认证和会话管理的。您可以配置PHP的会话处理来满足这些要求。

First of all you should read the Mozilla WebAppSec Security Coding Guideline - Session Management and OWASP A3-Broken Authentication and Session Management. You can configure PHP's session handler to meet these requirements.

您应该prevent第一个缺陷是A9-Insufficient传输层保护。总之,你不希望有人使用像Firesheep 工具劫持会话。这种攻击可以通过强制浏览器只发送会话ID通过HTTPS pvented $ P $:

The first flaw you should prevent is A9-Insufficient Transport Layer Protection. In short you do not want someone to hijack a session using a tool like Firesheep. This attack can be prevented by forcing the browser to only send the session id over https:



You can prevent an attacker from obtaining the session id using XSS by setting the httponly flag:



You always want to use a cookie to store your session id. If the session id can be passed using a GET or POST variable then an attacker could use Session Fixation attack to hijack a session. Another way of thinking about this attack is that you don't want an attacker to create a session for another user:


接下来,你要确保你有熵ATLEAST 128位来自CSPRNG。在* nix系统可以使用的/ dev / urandom的


会话处理程序是不是一切。你仍然需要担心跨站请求伪造攻击(又名CSRF或会话骑马),以及跨上门脚本(XSS)。 XSS可用于战胜CSRF保护(即使使用http_only饼干!)。 点击劫持也可以被攻击者用来执行未经授权的操作。

The session handler isn't everything. You still need to worry about Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks (aka CSRF or "Session Riding"), and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). XSS can be used to defeat CSRF protection (even with http_only cookies!). Clickjacking can also be used by an attacker to perform unauthorized actions.

在您设置这些配置选项,只需拨打在session_start()。至于破坏会议呼叫 session_destroy()当用户注销时,它就是这么简单!

After you set these configuration options, just call session_start(). As for destroying the session call session_destroy() when the user logs out, its that simple!