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更新时间:2023-12-04 08:37:46



i have a windows service that get user details and save the result into log text file. and, my problem is when i log off my system and login again ie without restarting the machine.., i also would like to save the time that i login my system into that log file.. How can write a login event in window service.. pls help with comments

I have used the below code, but nothing was written to the log text file on log on. ie LogOn no-1 or LogOn no-2... Is there any mistake or logon didnt get enough time to execute the process..

     Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += new Microsoft.Win32.SessionSwitchEventHandler(SystemEvents_SessionSwitch);
 void SystemEvents_SessionSwitch(object sender, Microsoft.Win32.SessionSwitchEventArgs e)
            StreamWriter str = new StreamWriter("D:\\Log.txt", true);
            str.WriteLine("LogOn no-1: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
            if (e.Reason == SessionSwitchReason.SessionLogon)
                StreamWriter str1 = new StreamWriter("D:\\Log.txt", true);
                str1.WriteLine("LogOn no-2: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());


This may be your best bet, as Vista and Win7 handle the user sessions much like a terminal server would. This should let you handle session changes and it gives a structure with the relevant information, if you want session ID or reason for session change (logon / logoff / lock etc)