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如何测试Django CreateView?

更新时间:2023-12-04 09:08:10


You can get it directly from the database.


Note, you shouldn't call two views in your test. Each test should only call the code it is actually testing, so this should be two separate views: one to call the create view and assert that the entry is in the db, and one that creates an entry directly and then calls the detail view to check that it displays. So:

def test_published_post(self):
    self.client.post('/post/compose/', {'author':"manualvarado22", 'title': "Super Important Test", 'content':"This is really important.", 'published_date':timezone.now()})
    self.assertEqual(Post.objects.last().title, "Super Important Test")

def test_display_post(self):
    post = Post.objects.create(...whatever...)
    response = self.client.get(reverse('blog:post_detail', pk=post.pk))
    self.assertContains(response, "really important")