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应用程序服务器和 servlet 容器之间的区别?

更新时间:2023-12-04 10:34:34

servlet-container 只支持 servlet API(包括 JSP、JSTL).

A servlet-container supports only the servlet API (including JSP, JSTL).

一个应用服务器支持整个JavaEE——EJB、JMS、CDI、JTA、servlet API(包括JSP、JSTL)等

An application server supports the whole JavaEE - EJB, JMS, CDI, JTA, the servlet API (including JSP, JSTL), etc.

可以在 servlet 容器上运行大多数 JavaEE 技术,但您必须安装特定技术的独立实现.

It is possible to run most of the JavaEE technologies on a servlet-container, but you have to install a standalone implementation of the particular technology.