
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 11:35:22


Here's an example from my code -- it's with using <input> and <select>, but you should be able to adapt it very easily if you are trying to do something differently.


In the example provided on datatables.net, they do it with the search fields in the footer (which I personally dislike), so my example is with them in the header. For starters, you will need two rows in your <thead> -- make sure your filter row is the first row, and your actual headers is the second row


Working DEMO

<table class="table">
    <tr class="filter-row">
      <th class="actions">
      <th class="searchable datatables-dropdown">
        <select name="FormName">
      <th class="display-order">
      <th class="searchable">
        Label Text
      <th class="searchable">
        View Roles
      <th class="searchable">
        Edit Roles
      <th class="searchable">
        Delete Roles
      <th class="searchable">
        Add Roles
      <th class="searchable">
        Field Type
      <th class="searchable">
        Note Field
      <th class="searchable">
        Note Required
      <th class="searchable">
      <th class="searchable">
        Reason List Group
      <th class="searchable">
        Reason Required
      <th class="actions">
        Form Name
        Display Order
        Label Text
        View Roles
        Edit Roles
        Delete Roles
        Add Roles
        Field Type
        Note Field
        Note Required
        Note Default
        Reason List Group
        Reason Required




Then, in your JavaScript, you can convert your filter rows from the plain text to the <input> elements like so:

$(function () {
    // First -- Convert plain text to search field inputs
    $('.table thead tr:first th.searchable:not(.datatables-dropdown)').each(function () {
        var title = $(this).text().trim();
        $(this).css({ "padding": "5px" });
        $(this).html('<input type="text" placeholder="Search ' + title + '" style="width: 115px;" />');

    // Then -- initialize DataTable
    var table = $(".table").DataTable({
        // ... Initialization options

    // Lastly -- call function for wiring up the search fields to the table passed in

function ApplySearchFieldsToDatatable (table) {
    // https://datatables.net/examples/api/multi_filter.html
    table.columns().every(function () {
        var column = this,
        header = $(column.header()), // returns LAST <tr> in <thead>

        // we need to also grab the first <tr> in <thead> because that is where the search boxes are
        searchHeader = header.parent().prev(),

        // Get the corrisponding <th> in the first <tr> (the filter row) 
        currentColumn = searchHeader.children(":eq(" + header.index() + ")");

        // Unbind existing event listeners on old column position
        $('select', currentColumn).off("change");
        $('input', currentColumn).off("input").off("propertychange");

        // Add new event listeners for new column position
        $('select', currentColumn).on('change', function () {
            if (column.search() !== this.value) {
        $('input', currentColumn).on('input propertychange', function () {
            if (column.search() !== this.value) {

        // Need to set the value of the inputs/selects to the search value saved by "stateSave: true"
        // This is needed on page reload when the search state gets saved, but the inputs get redrawn 
        // from scratch. They do not inherently retain their value, so the data in the table does not
        // match the values in the search fields.
        if (column.search().length) {