
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 13:40:34

Greg Maxey(Word VBA MVP)提供了一些您可能会发现有用的提示.

Greg Maxey (Word VBA MVP) has some tips you might find useful.


Replacement.Text的字符数限制为255个字符,因此您必须使用On Error Resume Next忽略它(删除此行,您将看到类似以下的错误).

There is a 255-character limit on the Replacement.Text, so you must be ignoring this with an On Error Resume Next (get rid of this line, and you'll see the error like below).


His suggestion is to leverage the Clipboard, which works fine as long as you're only doing stuff between Word documents or within a Word document (e.g., to .Copy a range or selection), but from other application like Excel, I think you'll probably need to use an MsForms.DataObject as an intermediary to put the text in the clipboard, before you can use the trick he outlined.


Const wdReplaceAll As Long = 2
Const wdFindContinue As Long = 1
Dim longString As String
Dim wd As Object, doc As Object, sel As Object
Dim dataObj As New DataObject  '## Requires reference to MSForms
'## Alternatively:
' Dim dataObj as Object
' Set dataObj = CreateObject("MSForms.DataObject")

Set wd = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
Set doc = wd.ActiveDocument

longString = Worksheets("3A- Multi-Family Housing").Range("A4").value

dataObj.SetText longString

Set sel = doc.Range

With doc.Range.Find
    .Text = "[[3A Description]]"
    .Replacement.Text = "^c"
    .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=True, _
End With