
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 14:19:52

从数据库中解码json时,您将获得类型为'stdClass'的对象,而不是SimpleXMLElement :: xpath返回的原始类型'SimpleXMLElement'的对象功能.

When you decode the json from the database, you get an object of type 'stdClass' instead of the original type 'SimpleXMLElement' returned by the SimpleXMLElement::xpath function.


The stdClass object does not 'know' about the pseudo array syntax used by SimpleXMLElement objects to allow accessing the attributes.


Normally you would use the serialize() and unserialize() functions instead of json_encode/decode to store objects in a database, but unfortunately, SimpleXMLElements are not working with those.


As an alternative, why not just store the actual xml and read it back to SimpleXML after fetching it from the database:

// convert SimpleXMLElement back to plain xml string
$xml = $simpleXML->asXML();

// ... code to store $xml in the database
// ... code to retrieve $xml from database

// recreate SimpleXMLELement
$simpleXML = simplexml_load_string($xml);