
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 20:00:58




  $(。drop-files-container)bind(drop ,function(e){
var files = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
return false;

processFileUpload() - 方法:

var uploadFormData = new FormData($( #yourregularuploadformId)[0]);
if(droppedFiles.length> 0){//检查是否有任何文件丢失
for(var f = 0; f< droppedFiles.length; f ++){// for-loop for each文件丢失
uploadFormData.append(files [],droppedFiles [f]); //将每个文件添加到表单中,以便您可以上传多个文件


$ .ajax( {
contentType: false,



 < form enctype =multipart / form-dataid =yourregularuploadformId> 
< input type =filename =files []multiple =multiple>
< / form&gt

随意使用像这样的起点。浏览器支持您可以在这里找到 http://caniuse.com/#feat=xhr2

当然,你可以添加任何你想要的进度条,预览,动画... ...

So I'm struggling a bit to find what I'm looking for and how to implement it.

I have a basic PHP file uploader working, in that a user presses a custom upload button, selects a file and then using JS, it checks for a change (Ie. the user selecting a file) and then submits the form which uploads the image fine.

What I also want now is a drag & drop to upload area. So the user can drag an image from their file explorer and drop it in a designated place (not the whole page) and then once that image has been dropped for the form to submit automatically with their image and use the same PHP processing.

Is this possible and realistic?

This is absolutely realistic and possible without using any third parties plugin.

The following snippets should give you an idea of how it could work:

Drop area

$(".drop-files-container").bind("drop", function(e) {
    var files = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
    // forward the file object to your ajax upload method
    return false;

the processFileUpload()-Method:

function processFileUpload(droppedFiles) {
         // add your files to the regular upload form
    var uploadFormData = new FormData($("#yourregularuploadformId")[0]); 
    if(droppedFiles.length > 0) { // checks if any files were dropped
        for(var f = 0; f < droppedFiles.length; f++) { // for-loop for each file dropped
            uploadFormData.append("files[]",droppedFiles[f]);  // adding every file to the form so you could upload multiple files

 // the final ajax call

        url : "upload.php", // use your target
        type : "POST",
        data : uploadFormData,
        cache : false,
        contentType : false,
        processData : false,
        success : function(ret) {
                 // callback function


form example

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="yourregularuploadformId">
     <input type="file" name="files[]" multiple="multiple">

Feel free to use something like this as a starting point. The browser support of this you can find here http://caniuse.com/#feat=xhr2

Of course you can add any extras you wish like progress bar, preview, animation...