
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 20:05:10

我们不知道GUI的显示方式的具体细节,但是,假设您使用的是在 PowerShell 中构建的WinForms GUI,>代码,您的问题可能是您的GUI构造代码如何从以后要删除的文件夹中的文件中加载图像.

We don't know the specifics of how your GUI is displayed, but, assuming you're using a WinForms GUI constructed in PowerShell code, your problem may be how your GUI construction code loads images from files in the folder that you later want to delete.


Notably, if you use something like:



the specified file apparently stays open for the remainder of the PowerShell session, and you won't be able to delete your folder.

解决方案是在内存中创建一个 new 图像实例,以复制从文件中加载的图像,然后处置从文件加载的图片的em> ,它释放了对底层文件的锁定,如此[C#]答案.

The solution is to create a new image instance in memory that copies the loaded-from-file image, and to then dispose of the loaded-from-file image, which releases the lock on the underlying file, as demonstrated in this [C#] answer.

这是一个最小的脚本 demo.ps1 ,它演示了该方法:

Here's a minimal script, demo.ps1, that demonstrates the approach:

  • 将其保存到自己的临时临时存放文件夹中.

  • Save it to its own, temporary, throw-away folder.

将名为 demo.png 的小图像文件复制到同一文件夹中.

Copy a small image file named demo.png into the same folder.

然后以< temp-folder>/demo -SelfDestruct 调用它以查看其运行情况;需要指定
-SelfDescript 是一种预防措施,因为意外调用会清除脚本所在的整个文件夹.

Then invoke it as <temp-folder>/demo -SelfDestruct to see it in action; the need to specify
-SelfDescript is a precaution, given that accidental invocation would wipe out the entire folder in which the script lives.

param([switch] $SelfDestruct)

# Load the WinForms assembly.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms    

# Create the form.
$form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{
    ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 400,100
    Text       = "Dialog"

# Add a PictureBox control that loads its image from 'demo.png'
$form.Controls.Add((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox  -Property @{
Image = & { 
    # Load the image from file in the same folder as a script into
    # a temporary variable.
    $tmpImg = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile((Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'demo.png')) 
    # Create an in-memory copy of the image. 
    New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $tmpImg
    # Dispose of the from-file image, which releases the file.
Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 10, 10

# Show the form and wait for the use to close it.
$null = $form.ShowDialog()

if ($SelfDestruct) { # Remove the running script's entire folder.
  if ("$($PWD.Path)\" -like "$PSScriptRoot\*") {                                                      #"
      Push-Location C:\ # must switch to different dir. before deleting.
  # Remove the entire folder.
  Remove-Item -literalpath $PSScriptRoot -Recurse -Force


Here's a variant that triggers the removal by button click, via an event handler:

param([switch] $SelfDestruct)

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

function remove-OwnFolder {
    # If the current dir. is in the subtree of the folder to delete, 
    # we must switch to different dir. before deleting.
    if ("$($PWD.Path)\" -like "$PSScriptRoot\*") {                                                      #"
        Push-Location C:\ 
    # Remove the script's parent folder as a whole.
    Remove-Item -literalpath $PSScriptRoot -Recurse -Force

# Create the form.
$form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{
    ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 400,100
    Text       = "Dialog"

# Add a PictureBox control that loads its image from 'demo.png'
$form.Controls.Add((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox  -Property @{
    Image = & { 
        # Load the image from file in the same folder as a script into
        # a temporary variable.
        $tmpImg = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile((Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'demo.png')) 
        # Create an in-memory copy of the image. 
        New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $tmpImg
        # Dispose of the from-file image, which releases the file.
    Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 10, 10

# Add a button that will trigger the self-destruction
$btnSelfDestruct = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button -Property @{
    Text              = "Submit"
    Location          = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 160, 60

# Add the button-click event handler.
    if ($SelfDestruct) {

# Show the form and wait for the use to close it.
$null = $form.ShowDialog()