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如何使用 Python 脚本从 FTP 服务器中删除超过 7 天的文件?

更新时间:2023-12-04 21:19:04

好的.假设您的 FTP 服务器支持 MLSD 命令,请使用以下代码制作一个模块(这是我用来将远程 FTP 站点与本地目录同步的脚本中的代码):

OK. Assuming your FTP server supports the MLSD command, make a module with the following code (this is code from a script I use to sync a remote FTP site with a local directory):

# for python ≥ 2.6
import sys, os, time, ftplib
import collections
FTPDir= collections.namedtuple("FTPDir", "name size mtime tree")
FTPFile= collections.namedtuple("FTPFile", "name size mtime")

class FTPDirectory(object):
    def __init__(self, path='.'):
        self.dirs= []
        self.files= []
        self.path= path

    def getdata(self, ftpobj):
        ftpobj.retrlines('MLSD', self.addline)

    def addline(self, line):
        data, _, name= line.partition('; ')
        fields= data.split(';')
        for field in fields:
            field_name, _, field_value= field.partition('=')
            if field_name == 'type':
                target= self.dirs if field_value == 'dir' else self.files
            elif field_name in ('sizd', 'size'):
                size= int(field_value)
            elif field_name == 'modify':
                mtime= time.mktime(time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
        if target is self.files:
            target.append(FTPFile(name, size, mtime))
            target.append(FTPDir(name, size, mtime, self.__class__(os.path.join(self.path, name))))

    def walk(self):
        for ftpfile in self.files:
            yield self.path, ftpfile
        for ftpdir in self.dirs:
            for path, ftpfile in ftpdir.tree.walk():
                yield path, ftpfile

class FTPTree(FTPDirectory):
    def getdata(self, ftpobj):
        super(FTPTree, self).getdata(ftpobj)
        for dirname in self.dirs:



single directory case

If you want to work on the files of a directory, you can:

import ftplib, time

quite_old= time.time() - 7*86400 # seven days

site= ftplib.FTP(hostname, username, password)
site.cwd(the_directory_to_work_on) # if it's '.', you can skip this line
folder= FTPDirectory()
folder.getdata(site) # get the filenames
for path, ftpfile in folder.walk():
    if ftpfile.mtime < quite_old:



Now, if this should work recursively, you'll have to do the following two changes in the code for "single directory case":

folder= FTPTree()

site.delete(os.path.join(path, ftpfile.name))


我使用过的服务器在 STORDELE 命令中的相对路径没有任何问题,因此 site.delete 使用相对路径也可以.如果您的 FTP 服务器需要无路径文件名,您应该首先将 .cwdpath 提供的 .delete 普通 ftpfile.name 然后 .cwd 回到基本文件夹.

Possible caveat

The servers I've worked with didn't have any issues with relative paths in the STOR and DELE commands, so site.delete with a relative path worked too. If your FTP server requires pathless filenames, you should first .cwd to the path provided, .delete the plain ftpfile.name and then .cwd back to the base folder.