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更新时间:2023-12-04 21:40:40

I also needed a slightly more flexible solution than posix_isatty that could detect:

  • 该脚本是否正在从终端运行
  • 脚本是通过管道还是从文件接收数据
  • 输出是否被重定向到文件


After a bit of experimenting and digging around through libc headers, I came up with a very simple class that can do all of the above and more.

class IOMode
    public $stdin;
    public $stdout;
    public $stderr;

    private function getMode(&$dev, $fp)
        $stat = fstat($fp);
        $mode = $stat['mode'] & 0170000; // S_IFMT

        $dev = new StdClass;

        $dev->isFifo = $mode == 0010000; // S_IFIFO
        $dev->isChr  = $mode == 0020000; // S_IFCHR
        $dev->isDir  = $mode == 0040000; // S_IFDIR
        $dev->isBlk  = $mode == 0060000; // S_IFBLK
        $dev->isReg  = $mode == 0100000; // S_IFREG
        $dev->isLnk  = $mode == 0120000; // S_IFLNK
        $dev->isSock = $mode == 0140000; // S_IFSOCK

    public function __construct()
        $this->getMode($this->stdin,  STDIN);
        $this->getMode($this->stdout, STDOUT);
        $this->getMode($this->stderr, STDERR);

$io = new IOMode;


Some example usage, to show what it can detect.


$ php io.php
// Character device as input
// $io->stdin->isChr  == true

$ echo | php io.php
// Input piped from another command
// $io->stdin->isFifo == true

$ php io.php < infile
// Input from a regular file (name taken verbatim from C headers)
// $io->stdin->isReg  == true

$ mkdir test
$ php io.php < test
// Directory used as input
// $io->stdin->isDir  == true


$ php io.php
// $io->stdout->isChr  == true

$ php io.php | cat
// $io->stdout->isFifo == true

$ php io.php > outfile
// $io->stdout->isReg  == true


$ php io.php
// $io->stderr->isChr  == true

$ php io.php 2>&1 | cat
// stderr redirected to stdout AND piped to another command
// $io->stderr->isFifo == true

$ php io.php 2>error
// $io->stderr->isReg  == true


I've not included examples for links, sockets, or block devices, but there's no reason they shouldn't work, as the device mode masks for them are in the class.


(Not tested on Windows - mileage may vary)