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PHP mail()函数不会通知jQuery成功/失败

更新时间:2023-12-04 23:16:40


Here are some generic steps to follow. Please note, these are examples, not complete code. You must find the correct ways to apply this information in your case.


First, in WP, add your function as an ajax callback:

add_action ( 'wp_ajax_my_action', 'invfr_sendmail' ); 
// The AJAX command is 'my_action'

您必须在函数中进行一些修改。首先,在这里回荡事物不会得到答复。但是,让我们从头开始!在回调函数 invfr_sendmail 内,添加从jQuery接收表单的代码。由于它们是编码字符串,因此必须在顶部进行解析:

You must make some modifications in your function. For one, echoing things there won't give a reply. But let's start at the beginning! Inside your callback function invfr_sendmail, add the code that receives the form from jQuery. Since they come as an encoded string, we must parse them on the top:

$my_form_data = array(); // Create an empty array
parse_str( $_POST['my_form_data'], $my_form_data ); // Fills $my_form_data

现在,而不是使用 $ _ POST ['fieldname '] ,则使用 $ my_form_data ['fieldname']

Now, instead of using $_POST['fieldname'], you use $my_form_data['fieldname'].


In the end of your PHP code, you must send the JSON encoded replies to jQuery. For example:

$success = true;
$errors = array( 'This one was wrong', 'That one too' );
$some_other_value = false;
// Put these variables in an array
$results = compact( 'success', 'errors', 'some_other_value' ); 
wp_send_json( $results );


Send your form via AJAX and listen for the answer.

jQuery('form#my_form_name').on('submit', function(event){
    event.preventDefault(); // Stops the form from being submitted via POST
    var data = {
        command: 'my_action', // The same name you used in WP 'add_action' above
        my_form_data: jQuery('form#my_form_name').serialize()
        type: 'POST',
        url: ajaxurl,
        data: data
    }).done( function( response ) {
        // This runs when the server replies something
        if (response.success) {
            // This corresponds to the $success variable we set  
            jQuery('#someElement').html('The operation was a success!')
        if (response.errors) {
            // This would be the $errors array from PHP
            response.errors.each( function(errorMessage) {
                jQuery('#someElement').append( errorMessage );
            } );
        if (response.some_other_value) {
            // Here nothing happens if $some_other_value in PHP was false
    }).fail( function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
        // This runs when the request fails (i.e. timeout)
        jQuery('#someElement').html( 'The AJAX request failed with error message ' + errorThrown ); 

    }).always( function() {
        // This runs always after an AJAX request, even a failed one


Hope this example will set you well on your way with your plugin!