
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-05 11:45:10

AWS实例具有元数据,因此您可以调用元数据服务并获得响应,如果响应有效,则为@ AWS,否则为不是.

AWS instances have metadata, so you could make a call to the metadata service and get a response, if the response is valid, you are @ AWS, otherwise you are not.


import urllib2
meta = ''
req = urllib2.Request(meta)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
    if 'ami' in response:
        _msg = 'I am in AWS running on {}'.format(response)
        _msg = 'I am in dev - no AWS AMI'
except Exception as nometa:
    _msg = 'no metadata, not in AWS'

print _msg


This is just a stab - there are likely better checks but this one will get you the feel for it and you can improve upon it as you see fit. IF you are using OpenStack or another cloud service locally you of course will get a metadata response, so you will have to adjust your check accordingly...


(you could also do this with cloud-init stuff if you are using some kind of launch tool or manager like chef, puppet, homegrown, etc. Drop an /ec2 file in the file system if it's in AWS, or better yet if local drop a /DEV on the box)