
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-05 14:26:28

要连接到沙发床,您应确保服务器配置的DNS名称是 remote-server.com ,而不是 IP,而不是 localhost .沙发床服务器也应该能够通过此dns名称获取IP.

To connect to couchbase you should ensure that your server is configured with dns name remote-server.com, not IP, not localhost. And couchbase server also should be able to get ip via this dns name.

即如果您将服务器托管在AWS EC2中,那么沙发床通常会获得内部IP地址(例如10.X.X.X),即使您尝试通过带有clien库的公共ip从Internet访问它,您的请求也会超时.但是您将能够通过公共DNS访问REST API和管理控制台.

I.e. if you host your server in AWS EC2, couchbase usally get internal IP address like 10.X.X.X and even if you try to access it from internet via public ip with clien library, your request will be timed out. But you will be able to access REST API, and admin console via public dns.

此外,您还应该检查该长沙发所需的所有端口(不仅是8091).请参阅此 doc ,了解所有需要的端口打开.

Also you should check all ports (not only 8091) needed by couchbase. See this doc for all ports needed to be opened.