
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-05 15:01:34


I believe its all groovy and nothing special to gradle. Here's the groovy concepts you need to know.

  1. 如果方法的最后一个参数是闭包,则可以将闭包放在方法参数的右括号之后。

class MyClass {
   void doStuff(String name, Closure c) {

def o = new MyClass() 
o.doStuff('x') {
   println "hello" 

  1. 您可以实施您的对象上缺少方法 。如果有人尝试调用一个不存在的方法,您可以做

  1. You can implement method missing on your object. If someone tries to call a method that doesn't exist you can do stuff

class MyClass {
    def methodMissing(String name, args) {
        println "You invoked ${name}(${args})" 
def o = new MyClass() {

  1. 您可以将委托设置设置为关闭

  1. You can set the delegate on a closure

class MyBean {
   void include(String pattern) {...} 
   void exclude(String pattern) {...} 
class MyClass {
   private MyBean myBean = new MyBean() 
   void doStuff(Closure c) {

def o = new MyClass() 
o.doStuff {
   include 'foo' 
   exclude 'bar' 


These 3 groovy features pretty much explain the "magic" behaviour going on in a gradle script that have java developers scratching their heads.

task myTask(type:Foo) { 
   doLast {...} 


Let's add some brackets and also add the implicit project references. Let's also extract the closure into a variable

Closure c = { 
   doLast {...} 
project.task(project.myTask([type: Foo.class], c)) 

project.myTask(...)方法不存在,该行为最终通过 methodMissing 实现>功能。 Gradle会将关闭对象上的委托设置为任务实例。因此,闭包中的任何方法都将委派给新创建的任务。

The project.myTask(...) method doesn't exist and the behavior is ultimately implemented via methodMissing functionality. Gradle will set the delegate on the closure to the task instance. So any methods in the closure will delegate to the newly created task.


Action<? extends Task> action = { task ->
   task.doLast {...} 
project.tasks.create('myTask', Foo.class, action)

请参见 TaskContainer.create(String,Class,Action)