
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-05 18:34:04


Try something like this in your testing directory:

 FOR /D %d IN (*\ProjectYear2014\) DO (MOVE %d\ProjectYear2014\ C:\HistoricProjects\%d\ProjectYear2014 )


 FOR /D %d IN             :: for directories, store matches in variable %d
 (*\ProjectYear2014\)     :: that are located in (anything)\ProjectYear2014
 DO (MOVE %d\ProjectYear2014\               :: Move target (match)\... 
 C:\HistoricProjects\%d\ProjectYear2014 )   :: To new directory ...


And I just wanted to explain that :: is the DOS equivalent of a comment, but it's extremely finicky about them. Comments should never be used inside a code block (say, inside a FOR block), and CMD will barf if you try to make the command span multiple lines like second example. I just wrote it that way to help explain what was going on.


@echo off 
Set /P YEAR=Project Year to move? 
FOR %%A IN (ATTRIB C:\ActiveTest*\"ProjectYear %YEAR%") DO 
::I can't figure out how to make DIR look back and only pull the 2nd level into a variable.
::If I can get that I figure I can work it into a ROBOCOPY somehow.


Combining them, your final result will be something LIKE this, but probably not exactly this:

@echo off 
Set /P YEAR=Project Year to move? 
FOR /D %d IN (C:\CurrentProjects\*\ProjectYear%YEAR%\) DO (MOVE C:\CurrentProjects\%d\ProjectYear%YEAR%\ C:\HistoricProjects\%d\ProjectYear%YEAR%\ )


Phew, this was a learning process for me.