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WPF Windows窗体中的Intellisense(Workflow Studio)

更新时间:2023-12-06 11:06:40

Dhanasekar Velayudham


参考您的描述,您的问题与WPF有关发展.由于我们的论坛是讨论VS IDE,因此我将帮助您将此线程移至适当的位置. 论坛: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/zh-CN/home?forum = wpf   到 寻求更专业的支持,谢谢您的理解.

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Hello Everyone,

 I have developed a workflow studio in wpf and custom activities with wf4.
I would like to give intellisense for my workflow studio as like visual studio.
I got some vb.net code which will trigger the listbox popup when .(dot) placed which I cant to bring in c#.
I have implemented Iexpression and everything after that I just got a messagebox popup when it get focus.
If anyone share the sample code in C# which will popup as listbox below the activity's textbox will be very much helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Dhanasekar Velayudham,

Welcome to the MSDN forum.

Refer to your description, your issue is about WPF development. Since our forum is to discuss the VS IDE, I will help you move this thread to the appropriate forum: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/home?forum=wpf to seek for a more professional support, thank you for your understanding.



Best regards,
