
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-06 12:49:58

有一个表格我在visual studio 2013中创建。它用于将数据从表单填充到excel表。它被转换为exe格式,以便它被放置在共享驱动器中。它将被多个用户同时使用。现在问题当两个

进口 excel = 微软 办公室 Interop Excel
进口 系统 运行时 InteropServices

公开 Form1
昏暗 xlapp as excel 应用
昏暗 工作簿 as excel 工作簿
昏暗 工作表 as excel 工作表

私人 Sub Form1_Load sender as Object e As EventArgs 手柄 加载
= xlapp 工作簿 打开 " \2.xlsx"
可见 = 错误
= 工作簿 表格 " sheet1"
结束 Sub

私人 Sub Button1_Click sender as Object e As EventArgs 手柄 Button1 点击

如果 工作簿 MultiUserEditing 然后
AcceptAllChanges ()
结束 If

昏暗 row as Long
昏暗 alpha as Long = 0
= 5
Do While 单元格 (row, 4).value IsNot Nothing
= row + 1

单元格 (row, 2).value = Me fname Text
单元格 (row, 3).value = Me lname Text
Me fullname 文字 = Me fname 文字 + Me lname Text
单元格 (row, 4).value = Me fullname Text

DisplayAlerts = 错误

SaveAs("\2.xlsx", AccessMode:=excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared)

结束 Sub
结束 Class

There is a form I created in visual studio 2013. It is used to populate data from form to excel sheet. It is converted to an exe format so that it will be placed in a shared drive. It will be used by multiple users at same time. Now the problem is when two people hit submit almost at same time, an error occurs because for one the data is being processed and the other has clicked submit. How do I resolve this? 

Imports excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class Form1
Dim xlapp As New excel.Application
Dim workbook As excel.Workbook
Dim worksheet As excel.Worksheet

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
workbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open("\2.xlsx")
xlapp.Visible = False
worksheet = workbook.Sheets("sheet1")
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If workbook.MultiUserEditing Then
End If

Dim row As Long
Dim alpha As Long = 0
row = 5
With worksheet
    Do While .Cells(row, 4).value IsNot Nothing
        row = row + 1

    .Cells(row, 2).value = Me.fname.Text
    .Cells(row, 3).value = Me.lname.Text
    Me.fullname.Text = Me.fname.Text + Me.lname.Text
    .Cells(row, 4).value = Me.fullname.Text

End With
xlapp.DisplayAlerts = False

workbook.SaveAs("\2.xlsx", AccessMode:=excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared)

End Sub
End Class

There is a form I created in visual studio 2013. It is used to populate data from form to excel sheet. It is converted to an exe format so that it will be placed in a shared drive. It will be used by multiple users at same time. Now the problem is when two people hit submit almost at same time, an error occurs because for one the data is being processed and the other has clicked submit. How do I resolve this? 

Imports excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class Form1
Dim xlapp As New excel.Application
Dim workbook As excel.Workbook
Dim worksheet As excel.Worksheet

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
workbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open("\2.xlsx")
xlapp.Visible = False
worksheet = workbook.Sheets("sheet1")
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If workbook.MultiUserEditing Then
End If

Dim row As Long
Dim alpha As Long = 0
row = 5
With worksheet
    Do While .Cells(row, 4).value IsNot Nothing
        row = row + 1

    .Cells(row, 2).value = Me.fname.Text
    .Cells(row, 3).value = Me.lname.Text
    Me.fullname.Text = Me.fname.Text + Me.lname.Text
    .Cells(row, 4).value = Me.fullname.Text

End With
xlapp.DisplayAlerts = False

workbook.SaveAs("\2.xlsx", AccessMode:=excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared)

End Sub
End Class