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更新时间:2023-12-06 15:31:46


I was having similar issue, and have found a solution, see below the code and comments. I am using Newtonsoft though but it is worth checking if you can use Newtonsoft library and have not found a solution for System.Text.Json.


All controls in your JSON are part of component object/array so we can use JSONPath, see the link for more details.

public void IterateJson(JObject obj, string mandatoryFieldKey)
JToken jTokenFoundForMandatoryField = obj.SelectToken
("$..components[?(@.key == '" + mandatoryFieldKey + "')]");   
            //Now we convert this oken into an object so that we can add properties/objects in it
            if (jTokenFoundForMandatoryField is JObject jObjectForMandatoryField)
                //We check if validate already exists for this field, if it does not
 //exists then we add validate and required property inside the if condition
                if (jObjectForMandatoryField["validate"] == null)
JObject.FromObject(new { required = true })); //add validate and required property
                    //If validate does not exists then code comes here and 
//we convert the validate into a JObject using is JObject statement
                    if (jObjectForMandatoryField["validate"] is JObject validateObject)
                        //We need to check if required property already exists, 
//if it does not exists then we add it inside the if condition.
                        if (validateObject["required"] == null)
                            validateObject.Add("required", true); //add required property