
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-09-07 22:45:16

有一篇相关文章试图做通过实际使用语音识别语法来区分答录机和人类,可以做得更好。 您可以尝试这种方法,看看您是否获得了更好的结果。 链接到:


There's a related article that tries to do a better job by actually using a speech recognition grammar to distinguish between an answering machine and a human.  You can try that approach and see if you get better results.  Link to that is: Walkthrough: Detect an Answering Machine   However, making the distinction is never 100%. 

如果您搜索"应答机检测",在你最喜欢的搜索引擎中,你会获得大量的点击率。 根据您连接到PSTN的方式,一些网关(如Audiocodes)在其框中提供此功能。

If you do a search for "answering machine detection" in your favorite search engine, you will get lot's of hits.  Depending on how you are connecting to the PSTN, the some of the gateways, like Audiocodes, offer this feature in their boxes.