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在编译内核时构建/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build

更新时间:2022-04-09 23:40:48

/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build通常是到执行构建目录的软链接.因此,执行此操作的方法是简单地执行

Typically /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build is a soft-link to the directory where performed the build. So the way to do this is to simply do a

  make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/some/root/

在内核的构建目录中,其中/some/root是您希望交叉编译片段结束的位置.这将在/some/root/lib/modules/$(uname -r)中创建指向您的内核构建路径的链接...验证.

in the build directory of the kernel where /some/root is where you want your cross compile pieces to end up. This will create a link to your kernel build path in /some/root/lib/modules/$(uname -r) ... verify that.


Now when you build the compat_wireless drivers specify the kernel build directory in the Makefile as /some/root using the KLIB_BUILD variable (read the Makefile)

make modules KLIB_BUILD=/some/root/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build 




  1. 将"newmodules"保留在内核目录之外,将其放在内核目录中是个坏主意.所以mkdir newmodules像/home/foo或/tmp之类的东西.这是构建链接搞砸的原因之一

  1. Keep "newmodules" outside the kernel directory it's a bad idea to put it in the the kernel directory. so mkdir newmodules somewhere like /home/foo or /tmp or something. This is one of the reasons your build link is screwed up

ALSO .../build是/to/kernel/build/location的软链接,它将仅作为软链接进行复制.您还需要使用相同的相对位置,将实际的内核源代码/内核构建目录复制到您的microSD上.例如,

ALSO .../build is a soft link /to/kernel/build/location it will only copy over as a soft-link. You also need to copy over the actual kernel source / kernel build directory to your microSD, using the same relative location. For example,






Your newmodules (after following 1.) is in:



So under /tmp/newmodules/ you see the modules installed in a tree like:

      lib/modules/$(uname -r)/

在此目录中执行ls -al时,您会看到该构建是指向以下内容的软链接:

when you do an ls -al in this directory, you'll see that build is a soft link to:

      build -> /usr/src/linux-3.5.0-build/


Now let's say your microSD is mounted under /mnt/microSD


then you need to do the following

      mkdir  -p /mnt/microSD/usr/src 
      cp -a /usr/src/linux-3.5.0 /usr/src/linux-3.5.0-build /mnt/microSD/usr/src
      cp -a /tmp/newmodules/lib /mnt/microSD/lib


Now you have all the content you need to bring over to your embedded environment. I take it you are doing the compat_wireless build on your target system rather than cross compiling it?


If your kernel build is the same as the kernel source then just copy over the kernel source and ignore the linux-3.5.0-build in copy instructions above