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使用 R 中的 NA 计算栅格数据的变异函数

更新时间:2021-11-07 23:21:46

如果传递给 gstat:variogram 的数据对象是一个空间对象(你的数据是一个SpatialGridDataFrame) 那么您不需要指定位置,因为这些位置包含在数据中.

If the data object passed to gstat:variogram is a spatial object (your data is aSpatialGridDataFrame) then you do not need to specify the locations, as these are contained in the data.

然而,很明显 NA 值引起了问题,所以如果我们强制网格对象是 SpatialPointsDataFrame,这将删除 NA代码>值

However, clearly the NA values are causing a problem, so if we force the grid object to be a SpatialPointsDataFrame, this will remove the NA values

im 包含数据 https://gist.github.com/2780792一个>

point_data <- as(im, 'SpatialPointsDataFrame')
gstat_variogram <- variogram(band1 ~ 1, data = point_data)


geor_variogram <- variog(coords = coordinates(point_data), 
                          data = point_data@data$band1)

或者更简单(作为 geoRgeodata 类的对象一起使用,并包含函数 as.geodata 以从 >SpatialPointsDataFramegeodata 对象

or even more simply (as geoR works with objects of class geodata and contains the function as.geodata to convert from a SpatialPointsDataFrame to geodata object

geor_variogram <- variog(as.geodata(point_data))