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如何执行具有依赖关系的 WiX 自定义操作 DLL 文件

更新时间:2022-06-02 00:50:35

WiX 工具集中的 DTF 具有一种机制,可以将您的自定义操作程序集及其所有引用包含到单个二进制文件中(基本上是自解压 dll).我不编写托管的自定义操作(C/C++ 创建的自定义操作具有较少的依赖项并提高了成功率),但它应该只在 VS 中构建时工作.

DTF in the WiX toolset has a mechanism to include your custom action assembly and all of its references into a single binary (self-extracting dll, basically). I don't write managed custom actions (C/C++ creates custom actions with fewer dependencies and increases success rate) but it is supposed to just work when building in VS.