
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-27 00:41:18

我建议使用诸如istio或linkerd之类的服务网格. Service Mesh在Pod之间提供mTLS,您无需自己实现它.ServiceMeshe随同Pod一起部署诸如envoy之类的sidecar,sidecar负责在Pod之间启用mTLS的TLS终止.

I would suggest to use a service mesh such as istio or linkerd. Service mesh provides mTLS between pods and you don't need to implement it yourself.Service meshe deploys a sidecar such as envoy along with your pod and the sidecar takes care of TLS termination with mTLS enabled between pods.

https://istio. io/latest/docs/tasks/security/authentication/authn-policy/#auto-mutual-tls