
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-11 00:14:59

首先,为了在后台播放声音,您的应用程序必须能够在后台启动响应回调事件的相关代码.如此处.例如,"Tile"应用程序可以在后台播放声音,以响应与BLE相关的回调事件,该事件在应用程序处于后台时触发(例如BLE外围设备连接和断开连接).相反,当应用程序进入后台时,一个简单的计时器将被挂起,因此不会触发计时器到期回调,并且在这种情况下无法启动任何代码来播放声音. (您可以在此处阅读,以了解一些详细信息和可能的操作iOS中构建闹钟的方法)

First of all, in order to play a sound in background your application must be able to launch the related code responding to a callback event when in the background. Only specific app types are allowed to respond to callbacks events in the background as indicated here. For example, the "Tile" application can play sound in background responding to BLE-related callbacks events which are fired when the application is in background (e.g., BLE peripheral connections and disconnections) . Conversely, a simple timer is suspended when application goes in background thus the timer-expiration callback won't be triggered and there is no way to launch any code to play sound in this case. (You can read here for some details and a possibile approach to build alarm clock in iOS)


If your application type is within the set of special background-mode applications you can play a sound responding to events in background even when the phone is in silent mode by using AVAudioPlayer. In your view controller import the AVFoundation framework:

import AVFoundation


than declare an AVAudioPlayer variable

var player: AVAudioPlayer?;


in order to play an mp3 file placed in the app bundle:

    func playSound() {

        guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "MY_MP3_FILE", withExtension: "mp3") else {
        do {
            try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, with: AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.mixWithOthers);
            player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url);
            guard let player = player else {
        } catch let error {


Important: in Xcode in the "Capabilities" tab you also have to enable the "Audio, AirPlay and Picture in Picture" feature in the "Background Modes" section.

(在iOS 11和12中使用不同的iPhone型号测试过的Swift 4解决方案).

(Swift 4 solution tested in iOS 11 and 12 with different iPhone models).


Warning: Following this approach the sound will play at the current volume set in the phone, thus if the sound volume is equal to zero the sound will not be played. You can force the volume sound to a given value programmatically in this way:

    let volumeView = MPVolumeView();
    if let view = volumeView.subviews.first as? UISlider{

        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + 0.01) {
            view.value = 0.5; //Set the volume level between 0 and 1


however, take into account that this approach shows the system sound volume bar and it could lead to a bad user experience.