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从C核心客户端到.NET核心服务器的HTTPS GRPC连接:TLS握手失败

更新时间:2022-06-27 00:20:59


My connection troubles seem to have been caused by some misconfiguration on my machine, as I was unable to reproduce the errors on other setups. So that settles the "how do I get this to work?"


In response to those three specific questions I answered.

  1. 我的 grpc问题上的有用的人来了得出的结论是,不,我提到的TLS版本混合不是问题

  1. The helpful folks on my grpc issue came to the conclusion that no, the mixing of TLS versions I mentioned is not a problem

我仍然不确定是什么原因导致一个客户端问候数据包被拒绝而另一个被接受,但是同样,这似乎是我的机器特有的问题,在新的Windows Server 2019或Windows上这不是问题我创建了10个虚拟机

I'm still not sure what is causing one client hello packet to be rejected and the other accepted, but again it seems to be something specific to my machine which is not a problem on fresh Windows server 2019 or windows 10 VMs I've created

不确定这一点:我很确定自己正确设置了环境变量,但是我不确定为什么openssl无法识别该值.另外,我认为 GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES 对Windows没有任何影响

Not sure about this one: I'm pretty sure that I'm setting that environment variable correctly but I'm not sure why openssl doesn't recognize that value. Also, I don't think GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES has any effect on windows