
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-27 00:20:35


$(this) is only relevant within the scope of the function. outside of the function though, it loses that reference:

$('.classSelect').one("click", function() {
   $(this); // refers to $('.classSelect')

   // content
      $(this); // does not refer to $('.classSelect')


a better way to handle this may be:

$('.classSelect').one("click", function() {
    var e = $(this);

        success : function(request) {
    }); // end ajax

    $(this).bind('click', function() {
    // bind stuff

    }); // end bind

}); // end one

顺便说一下,你熟悉 load() 方法?我发现基本的ajax更容易(因为它作用于包装的集合,而不是像 $。ajax()这样的独立函数。这里是我将如何重写这个 load()

by the way, are you familiar with the load() method? i find it easier for basic ajax (as it acts on the wrapped set, instead of it being a standalone function like $.ajax(). here's how i would rewrite this using load():

$('.classSelect').one('click', function() {
    var options = {
       type : 'post',
       dataType : 'text',
       data : {
         '_service' : myService,
         '_program' : myProgram ,
         'param' : myParams
    } // end options

    // load() will automatically load your .classSelect with the results
    $(this).load(myUrl, options);

    $(this).click(function() {
    // etc...

    }); // end click

}); // end one