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XCode 调试器通过停止按钮上的 SIGKILL 停止

更新时间:2022-06-22 01:06:19

SIGKILL 是您在停止调试器时向进程发送的内容.没有任何问题,但有时它确实会出现并将您切换到 main.m 文件,该文件既无用又令人讨厌.

SIGKILL is what you are sending to the process when you stop the debugger. There isn't anything wrong, but sometimes it does show up and switch you to the main.m file which is useless and annoying.

要解决这个问题,不要费心从 Xcode 停止可执行文件.让它继续运行,当你想再次运行时,只需用播放"按钮重新启动,之前的任务就会终止.

To get around it, don't bother stopping the executable from Xcode. Just leave it running, and when you want to run again, just re-launch with the "Play" button and the previous task will be terminated anyway.