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Google Closure编译器:如何保留缓存​​"this"的代码?

更新时间:2021-12-08 01:37:28


You are attempting to out-think the compiler. It's a losing battle. However, here's the two main reasons people try to do this type of thing.

  1. 减小代码的大小.理论上是单个字母变量小于关键字this.但是,这种理论在大多数情况下是有缺陷的.请参见编译器常见问题解答.

  1. Reduce size of code. The theory being that a single letter variable is smaller than the keyword this. However, this theory is flawed in most cases. See the compiler FAQ.


Prevent the context of the keyword this from changing. However, in SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS this is unnecessary. If you create an inner closure that references your variable, the compiler will not inline the value. Under ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS, using the keyword this can be dangerous outside of a prototype function or constructor and should be done with care. See an article explaining why.


If you really want to prevent the compiler from inlining your value, you'll need to add it as a property on an object using quoted syntax:

(function() {
  var config = {};
  config['that'] = this;