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如何在 Laravel 中设置会话超时?

更新时间:2022-05-26 01:20:02

app/config/session.php 你有:



option that allow you to set session expire time in minutes (not in seconds)

'lifetime' => 60,


means that session will expire after an hour.


'expire_on_close' => true,


that decides if session will be expired when browser will be closed.

您可能感兴趣的其他设置还有 php.ini 值:

Other settings you could get interested is also php.ini values of:

session.cookie_lifetime = 0

session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440


第一个表示会话 cookie 将存储多长时间 - 默认值为 0(直到浏览关闭).第二个选项表示在多少之后 PHP 可能会破坏此会话数据.

The first one means how long session cookie will be stored - default value is 0 (until browse is closed). The second option means after how many of seconds PHP may destroy this session data.

我说可能是因为在 php.ini 文件中有另一个选项 session.gc_probability 决定了运行垃圾收集器的机会.默认情况下,只有 1% 的机会在 1440 秒(24 分钟)后此会话数据将被销毁.

I said may because there is one other option session.gc_probability in php.ini file that decides what's the chance of running garbage collector. Be default there is only 1% chance that after 1440 seconds (24 minutes) this session data will be destroyed.