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更新时间:2022-06-25 16:49:52

)错误,则表示其含义。与python不同,R无法解释 1000<值< 5001 。相反,您需要使用 1000<价值和值< 5001

Like many (some) errors, it means what it says. Unlike python, R can't interpret 1000 < value < 5001. Instead you need to use 1000 < value & value < 5001

dt <- data.table(value = c(1000, 2500, 5080, 10009))
dt[, Range := ifelse(value < 1001, "0-1000", ifelse(1000 < value & value < 5001, "1001-5000", ifelse(5000 < value & value < 10001, "5001-10000", "10001-20000")))]
   value       Range
1:  1000      0-1000
2:  2500   1001-5000
3:  5080  5001-10000
4: 10009 10001-20000


As @akrun mentioned, you may be better off with a factor. Here's an example:

dt[, Range := cut(value, breaks = c(0, 1001, 5001, 10001, 20001), labels = c("0-1000", "1001-5000", "5001-10000", "10001-20000"))]

这会产生一个显示相同方式的data.table,但是提取 Range 列将为您提供一个与范围。

This produces a data.table that displays the same way, but extracting the Range column will give you a factor corresponding to the ranges.