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使用 NSURLSession 清除网络故障后的临时下载文件

更新时间:2022-05-24 01:49:05

尝试恢复任务,或者在需要释放空间时仍然发现 ios 来处理它,请不要担心

Trying resuming the task or don't worry if you still find it ios to handle it when required to free the space

来自文档可以在其中找到临时文件的文件 URL.由于文件是临时文件,因此您的委托方法必须在返回之前打开文件进行读取或将其移动到应用沙箱容器目录中的永久位置.

From Doc A file URL where the temporary file can be found. Because the file is temporary, your delegate method must either open the file for reading or move it to a permanent location in your app’s sandbox container directory before returning.