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Swift 3 二维 Int 数组

更新时间:2022-03-06 03:02:39


var arr : [[Int]] = []

创建一个 Array of Int 类型的变量,并且最初该数组为空.您需要像 Swift 中的任何其他数组一样填充它.

Creates a variable of type Array of Array of Int and initially the array is empty. You need to populate this like any other other array in Swift.


var row : [Int] = []


You now have an empty array. You can't just do:

row[6] = 10

您首先必须向数组添加 7 个值,然后才能访问索引 6 处的值(第 7 个值).

You first have to add 7 values to the array before you can access the value at index 6 (the 7th value).


With your array of arrays, you need to fill in the outer array with a whole set of inner arrays. And each of those inner arrays need to be filled out with the proper number of values.

假设您想要一个每个值都设置为 0 的预填充矩阵,这是一种初始化数组的简单方法.

Here is one simple way to initialize your array of arrays assuming you want a pre-filled matrix with every value set to 0.

var matrix : [[Int]] = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: 10), count: 10)


The outer count represents the number of rows and the inner count represents the number of columns. Adjust each as needed.


Now you can access any cell in the matrix:

matrix[x][y] = 1 // where x and y are from 0 to rows-1/columns-1