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在模块路径上使用 OpenJFX 11 JMODS 在 JDK 11 上运行 javafx 示例

更新时间:2022-03-10 17:45:57

我相信对您所面临的错误有一个解释:jmods can't be used at run time.

I believe there is an explanation for the error you are facing: jmods can't be used at run time.


JMOD 文件可以在编译时和链接时使用,但不能在运行时使用.要在运行时支持它们,通常需要我们准备好即时提取和链接本机代码库.

JMOD files can be used at compile time and link time, but not at run time. To support them at run time would require, in general, that we be prepared to extract and link native-code libraries on-the-fly.



So I've done some simple module hellofx:

module hellofx {
    requires javafx.controls;

    exports hellofx;

使用来自此处HelloFX示例并下载了来自此处的适用于我的平台的 JavaFX 11 的 jmods.我还从同一位置下载了 JavaFX 11 SDK(jar).

with the HelloFX sample from here and downloaded the jmods for JavaFX 11 for my platform from here. I've also downloaded the JavaFX 11 SDK (jars) from the same location.


在编译时,我们可以使用 jmods:

At compile time, we can do, with jmods:

javac -p /path-to/javafx-jmods-11/ -d mods/hellofx $(find src/hellofx -name "*.java")

或使用 SDK:

javac -p /path-to/javafx-sdk-11/lib -d mods/hellofx $(find src/hellofx -name "*.java")    


In both cases, the result is exactly the same, as expected: Native libraries are not required during compile time.



Now we want to run our little module.

使用 jmods,如 OP 所述,运行:

With jmods, as stated by the OP, running:

java -p /path-to/javafx-jmods-11/:mods -m hellofx/hellofx.HelloFX   


Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
  java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found, required by hellofx

但是使用 SDK 可以:

But using the SDK, works:

java -p /path-to/javafx-sdk-11/lib/:mods -m hellofx/hellofx.HelloFX


如 JEP-261 所述,jmods 在链接时也能正常工作,因此我们可以在编译时和运行时之间使用 jlink 工具.

As stated by the JEP-261, jmods work as well at link time, so we can use the jlink tool in between compile time and run time.

您可以使用 jlink 工具将一组模块及其依赖项组装和优化为自定义运行时映像.(来源)

You can use the jlink tool to assemble and optimize a set of modules and their dependencies into a custom runtime image. (source)


jlink -p /path-to/javafx-jmods-11/:mods --add-modules=hellofx --output links

这将生成一个 90.7 MB 的文件夹(在我的 Mac 上).请注意,lib 文件夹包含 Java 11 和 JavaFX 11 中所有必需的本机库,以及一个名为 modules 的 70.5 MB 文件.

that will generate a folder with 90.7 MB (on my Mac). Note that the lib folder contains all the required native libraries from Java 11 and from JavaFX 11, as well as a 70.5 MB file named modules.

运行时间 (2)


links/bin/java -m hellofx/hellofx.HelloFX


总而言之,如果我们只想使用 jmods 来编译和运行我们的模块,我们需要使用 jlink 提供一个额外的步骤.否则,对于运行时,我们将需要 JavaFX SDK.

In conclusion, if we want to use only jmods for compiling and running our modules, we need to give an extra step with jlink. Otherwise, for runtime we'll need the JavaFX SDK.