
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-10-31 04:13:52


== === Equality Operators

==, === Equality Operators

  • Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?
  • How does JS type coercion work?
  • In Javascript, <int-value> == "<int-value>" evaluates to true. Why is it so?
  • [] == ![] evaluates to true
  • Why does "undefined equals false" return false?
  • Why does !new Boolean(false) equals false in JavaScript?
  • Javascript 0 == '0'. Explain this example
  • Why false == "false" is false?

!= !== 不等运算符

  • != vs. !==
  • Javascript operator !==

&& || 逻辑运算符

  • Logical operators in JavaScript — how do you use them?
  • Logical operator || in javascript, 0 stands for Boolean false?
  • What does "var FOO = FOO || {}" (assign a variable or an empty object to that variable) mean in Javascript?, JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation, What does the construct x = x || y mean?
  • Javascript AND operator within assignment
  • What is "x && foo()"? (also here and here)
  • What is the !! (not not) operator in JavaScript?
  • What is an exclamation point in JavaScript?


  • What does a comma do in JavaScript expressions?
  • Comma operator returns first value instead of second in argument list?
  • When is the comma operator useful?


  • Question mark and colon in JavaScript
  • Operator precedence with Javascript Ternary operator
  • How do you use the ? : (conditional) operator in JavaScript?

| & ^ 按位OR,AND ,XOR& NOT运营商

  • What do these JavaScript bitwise operators do?
  • How to: The ~ operator?
  • Is there a & logical operator in Javascript
  • What does the "|" (single pipe) do in JavaScript?
  • What does the operator |= do in JavaScript?
  • Javascript, What does the ^ (caret) operator do?
  • Using bitwise OR 0 to floor a number, How does x|0 floor the number in JavaScript?
  • Why does ~1 equal -2?
  • What does ~~ ("double tilde") do in Javascript?
  • How does !!~ (not not tilde/bang bang tilde) alter the result of a 'contains/included' Array method call? (also here and here)

<< >> >>> 比特移位运营商

  • What do these JavaScript bitwise operators do?
  • What is the JavaScript >>> operator and how do you use it?

+ - 运算符

  • What does = +_ mean in JavaScript, Single plus operator in javascript
  • What's the significant use of unary plus and minus operators?

++ - 前/后增/减运算符

++, -- pre/post-increment/decrement operators

  • ++someVariable vs someVariable++ in Javascript

void operator

void operator

  • What does `void 0` mean?

var x =有趣ction() vs function x()函数声明语法

var x = function() vs function x() Function Declaration Syntax

  • var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}

=> 箭头函数表达式语法

  • What's the meaning of "=>" (an arrow formed from equals & greater than) in JavaScript?

(function(){...})() IIFE (立即调用函数表达式)