
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-05-02 05:06:17


The cost of a memory allocation is not very dependent on the size of the allocation. Roughly speaking, a memory allocation of any size is O(1), and obviously standard libraries are optimized to make allocations as fast as possible.


So if you need a very big allocation, as in the example program, the cost of allocation will be trivial compared with the cost of initializing the allocated memory (to say nothing of the cost of actually doing the computation which is required).

对于非常紧密的循环中的小分配,分配开销可能很明显,替代机制可能会有用;其中之一是问题中建议的一个,将预分配的数组作为附加参数传递给函数。 (其他可能性包括使用C的可变长度数组(VLA)(如果它们在所有目标平台上都可用)或 alloca / _alloca / _malloca 。)

For small allocations in very tight loops, where the allocation overhead might be noticeable, alternative mechanisms might be useful; one of these is the one suggested in the question, passing a preallocated array as an additional parameter to the function. (Other possibilities include using C's variable length arrays (VLAs), if they are available on all target platforms, or alloca/_alloca/_malloca.)


But I would suggest not implementing microoptimizations of this form until there is solid evidence that the time savings are justified; otherwise, the cost in maintainability and readability will outweigh any small time savings you might achieve.