
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-04-01 05:11:06

这不是一个令人满意的答案,但是它也不适合用作注释...您可以使用ufunc来解决数据的拥有问题. out参数.一个愚蠢的例子:

It is hardly a satisfactory answer, but it doesn't fit into a comment either... You can work around the owning of the data by using the ufunc's out parameter. A silly example:

>>> a = Foo((5,))
>>> b = Foo((5,))
>>> c = a + b # BAD
True PREPARE <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
False WRAP <class '__main__.Foo'>
>>> c.flags.owndata

>>> c = Foo((5,))
>>> c[:] = a + b # BETTER
True PREPARE <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
False WRAP <class '__main__.Foo'>
>>> c.flags.owndata

>>> np.add(a, b, out=c) # BEST
True PREPARE <class '__main__.Foo'>
True WRAP <class '__main__.Foo'>
Foo([  1.37754085e-38,   1.68450356e-20,   6.91042737e-37,
         1.74735556e-04,   1.48018885e+29], dtype=float32)
>>> c.flags.owndata

我认为上面的输出与c[:] = a + b一致,因为它拥有数据,但以将其从临时数组复制到c中为代价.但是,当您使用out参数时,应该不会发生这种情况.

I think that the output above is consistent with c[:] = a + b getting to own the data at the expense of copying it into c from a temporary array. But that shouldn't be happening when you use the out parameter.


Since you were already worried about intermediate storage in your mathematical expressions, it may not be such a bad thing to micro-manage how it is handled. That is, replacing

g = a + b + np.sqrt(d*d + e*e + f*f)


g = foo_like(d) # you'll need to write this function!
np.multiply(d, d, out=g)
g += e * e
g += f * f
np.sqrt(g, out=g)
g += b
g += a


may save you some intermediate memory, and it lets you own your data. It does throw the "readability counts" mantra out the window, but...